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Alomac from Aloe macroclada - only in Madagascar

We grow and harvest Aloe macroclada through the villages we work with. The leaves are processed by hand in our GMP production facility. The resulting powder of Aloe macroclada gel is our trademarked Alomac, the best Aloe in the world. Not only does it have the highest percentage polysaccharides of commercial aloes, it has been demonstrated to increase circulating stem cells better than any other natural product. 
Alomac is a totally safe and highly effective ingredient in multiple products. It is destined to be in many more.

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Our Premium Product

Harvested renewably by hand and processed manually, the gel inside these leaves has demonstrated superior efficacy in upregulating adult stem cells in circulation better than any known natural product.
Aloe macroclada is found only in the highlands of Madagascar. Mioty Voajanahary (‘harvest nature’ in Malagasy) is the only company producing and exporting dried Aloe macroclada, now know as Alomac®.

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Aloe macroclada close-up

Aloe macroclada is known as "vahona" in Madagascar and is well-known by the native healers and most of the people. It has been used for centuries to heal a wide variety of ailments. Knowing it upregulates the healing power of adult stem cells explains its numerous uses.

“It has long been known that stem cells are capable of renewing themselves and that they can generate multiple cell types. Today, there is new evidence that stem cells are present in far more tissues and organs than once thought and that these cells are capable of developing into more kinds of cells than previously imagined. Efforts are now underway to harness stem cells and to take advantage of this new found capability, with the goal of devising new and more effective treatments for a host of diseases and disabilities. What lies ahead for the use of adult stem cells is unknown, but it is certain that there are many research questions to be answered and that these answers hold great promise for the future.” – NIH

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About Mioty Voajanahary

A Madagascar company run by an American with years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry.

At Mioty Voajanahary we understand that quality raw materials are important to our clients and to consumers. Our supply sources are in the pristine central highlands of Madagascar which have never seen pesticides or herbicides and production controls are on par with pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Processes. For high-quality dried Aloe macroclada there is no alternative to Alomac.

Environmental protection and social responsibilities are top priorities for us. We actively promote environmental protection and give back considerably to communities with a focus on education.

Mioty guarantees you’ll be satisfied with our quality Alomac product and excellent service. Contact us to learn about Alomac for your product and see how we may be of service to you.

<< Aloe macroclada flower

Get In Touch
Get some Alomac®

Antananarivo, Madagascar

MG:+261342771950 US: +13366553568

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MG:+261342771950 US: +13366553568

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